Photo of a reef and an island

Resist, adapt and recover

Australia's world’s leading efforts to help build resilient coral reefs.

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Australia’s first Biennial Transparency Report

Demonstrating Australia’s commitment and progress towards global climate goals.

Read the report

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Community Energy Upgrades Fund (CEUF) empowering local communities

Thanks to $50m in Round 1 grants, 58 local governments are upgrading their facilities with energy efficient solutions.

See full list of successful projects

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Offshore wind feasibility licences announced for 2 areas

The offshore wind industry is a step closer with feasibility licences announced for Hunter and Southern Ocean areas.

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Climate change

Climate change

Driving climate action, science and innovation so we are ready for the future.



Building a secure and sustainable energy system for all Australians.



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Improving the sustainable management of Australia’s water supply for industry, the environment and communities.


Parks and heritage

Managing Australia’s iconic national parks, historic places and living landscapes.

Science and research

Undertaking research and collecting data to support informed decisions and policies.

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News and Media

Wetland in the Northern Territory invaded by olive hymenachne
  • Have your say
  • Invasive species

We are seeking your feedback on a new plan to tackle invasive grasses threatening native species…

Two farmers walking across a field
  • Video
  • Waste

Tim Mendham, a third-generation farmer from Blayney in New South Wales, participated in a…

two people on a farm
  • Video
  • Waste

Steve Nicholson of Eniver Farms believes healthy soil is the key to good farming.

farmers looking at their crop
  • Video
  • Waste

Andrew Braham, owns Braham Produce in South Australia and relies on compost to keep his soil…